Monday, February 19, 2007

The Ministry of Bandh

The bandh (translation: closure or strike) was popularized in India, by Mahatma Gandhi and his followers, as a means to protest against the British occupation.

There is a fundamental difference between Gandhiji's concept of a bandh and what exists today:

1. That bandh was voluntary, not forced
2. That bandh was non-violent, not the stone throwing, knife wielding variety
3. That bandh caused economic damage to the opponent, not oneself

However, given that the bandh will not easily go away, I would like to suggest the appointment of a Minister of Bandh, to manage bandhs as and when they happen. In addition to the usual ministerial work, such as evading taxes, this Minister would be responsible for:

  1. explaining to foreigners that the word is pronounced bandh, and not boondh, even if it is sometimes spelt as bundh
  2. banning the usage of the confusing "bundh" spelling altogether
  3. negotiating bandh dates to not overlap with important government functions, or the wedding of the Chief Minister's daughter
  4. ensuring that essential services such as hospital emergency treatment are only available to those with "source"
  5. providing heavy police protection for all the glass buildings hosting MNCs (Multi National Corps), provided they have been regularly paying kickbacks
  6. ensuring that we have bandhs regularly - typically one to represent each side of each cause

1 comment:

Deepak Agarwal said...

I don't totally agree to the concept of Ministry. Probably it will become another source of income for many others.

Rather I think it should be a committee which is directly under control of CM. It should have representatives from many of the unions (private labor, government org) and not to forget about those "Gundaas" which I think are the root cause of today's bandh.

If they are given the responsibility of fighting against bandh violence (obviously coordinating with Police force) then it should be a different story. Probably after this there won't be people left to encourage bandh violence :-)