Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Reading Aloud

When I had my first born, I read often-and-everywhere, that children should be read to. Even babies. "Pff!" I thought.

Voracious reader I was, but I had never read aloud. The art was foreign, and the purpose all foggy. So, I decided I would read when she was old enough to understand what I read. Time passed, and I started reading board books, and then picture books, and then longer books, and then poems, and then nonsense books.

Soon, I was reading aloud everything I could lay hands on. And what do you know, I enjoyed it (sometimes more than they did, and often more than reading to myself). I am not sure if it is the joy in listener's eyes, the joy of sharing something you love, or just the joy of listening to the words and sounds yourself. It is probably a bit of all.

Now, I wish I never have to stop reading aloud. And I understand, how it can be a wonderful experience to read to a month old baby. After all, reading is a bit like singing - one does not always have to understand the words.

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