Sunday, February 24, 2008

Debate - a Dying Practice?

Opinion is defined as a subjective thought that a person has formed about a topic or issue. An opinion by definition is not provable. Otherwise, it would be a fact. Since many of our decisions from political to parenting cannot be based on facts and science, opinions or subjective thoughts become extremely important to our lives.

We participate in debates and dinner table discussions to exchange thoughts and form and refine ideas. The expression of one's current opinions is often as important a step as listening in this process. The process of expression forces us to organize our thoughts.

In th modern world, there is a fear of expressing one's opinion too loudly, especially if one may hurt another person's feelings. Yet, by not expressing them, one risks not refining and correcting them.

So, clearly, one does need to express one's most controversial opinions - but, we may want to start with a smaller and closer set of folks who will forgive our follies, and test out our ideas, before discussing them in broader gatherings.

I hope that we continue to value constructive debates, not just between presidential candidates, but between father and daughter, brother and sister, teacher and parent, neighbor and neighbor, and others close to us. Those are the debates where we are not trying to "win", but trying to "understand", and those are the debates that will make this world better.

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