Friday, August 22, 2008

Parents and your immediate family

For me, my family includes not just the nuclear family I have built, but the one I came from. I would not create a priority order between patidev and the brats and my parents or in laws. They are all important. If one is sick, or needs education, or is starting a business, money may be diverted to that person at that time. So, expenses are prioritized based on need, and not on a ranking of people.

In modern society, your immediate family is your nuclear family - you, your spouse and your kids. I heard someone on TV talking about responsibility towards one's immediate family as a primary responsibility that comes before any monetary responsibility to your parents.

If parents are no longer in an adult kid's immediate family, then I assume that an adult kid is no longer in the parent's family either. Is it when children turn 18, or is it when they marry that they cease to be part of your family? Or is it whenever you need monetary support from them?

Isn't it odd that, with this model of family, your family shrinks as you grow older? Isn't the more accepting model nicer, where you grow and your family grows with you, adding your children's spouses, in laws, your grandchildren and more?

Now, having enjoyed living on my own terms, I may not at old age want to live with my children. I certainly do not want to be a monetary burden for them to carry. However, I do expect that we will all be part of one family, even if we live separately and keep separate bank accounts.

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