Friday, September 11, 2009

Image is everything, thirst is nothing ...

Sometime, I am just not interested in joining a club, and I am invited over and over. Instead of showing disinterest, I claim I am busy to opt out. Sometimes, I clean the house just a bit before guests arrive. Sometimes, I skip a shower, but change my clothes and do my hair, so it looks like I did.

When I do this, patidev, (who is more used to responding to club invites with "dude! you think I would really join a scrapbook club?") gives me that look with a twinkle in his eye. He then whispers - "image is everything, thirst is nothing". I get all embarrassed and wonder if I am being dishonest or just kind.

I reserve that judgement "image is everything, thirst is nothing" for a select few. People who manipulate situations to their benefit and other's detriment, who scratch your back when they need something in return and don't bother building long term relationships, who rise in their career not by building teams, but by destroying people. However, for the most part, I accept work place politics as a clean sport.

Managing perception is as important for support and success of a team or project as the work that is done. You can build the greatest product - but with lousy advertisement and unattractive packaging, you will sell nothing. You can have a great health care bill - but without public education and support, you will not be able to pass it. You can make the softest, tastiest pancakes, but without the happy face, the kids won't wolf them down.

Someday, I will write a management book. It will not be about truth, and honesty. It will be about perception. It will be about packaging and presentation. Because, my dear, that is just as important as the thing inside the package. That gives you the foot in the door.


Anonymous said...

Your blogs are so beautiful and you write so well....will be back to read have inspired me in ways you probably wouldn't even realize...hope to see your book one day :-)

Sri Subramanian said...

Thanks for the compliment! I look forward to writing more blog posts that interest/inspire you. The book, I think, is a little out right now :)