Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Some of us avoid commute at all costs, some of us have no choice, and some of us like that little time to ourselves. If you commute by choice or by compulsion, what do you do during your commute?

Do you listen to music? Do you think about what you need to do next (e.g. what should I cook for dinner?) Do you catch up on news? Do you stay tuned to whichever channel gives the most frequent traffic report? Do you have a favorite radio program you tune into? Do you do kegels? Do you call your folks?

What have you seen other people do?

Do tell.


alimrahs said...

i do a 25 + 25 km commute in bangalore traffic and i

like to drive - i even drive on weekends
like the time to myself
listen to music - prefer hindi classics - also sing along
never think of what to do next - i guess that goes for when i am not driving too :-)
should be doing kegels - but i hate exercises in their unadultrated form
call my folks
find number patterns in the registration nos. of vehicles ahead of me

Alice said...

That is a lot of driving! I did 6-8 km in B'lore (with a driver) and thought that was a bit much for me. I guess I need to learn to take that time to relax.